Research Interests

  • Behavior and properties of electrons in novel magnetic and superconducting materials.
  • Application of electric and/or magnetic fields to change the viscosity of liquid suspensions. 
  • To explore electric-field penetration depth into superconductors.
  • Research on radioactive materials and their surrounding atmosphere.

Key Publications

R. Tao, X. Xu, and Y. C. Lan, "Electric-field induced formation of superconducting granular balls," International J. of Modern Phys. B, V16, N17-18, .2529-2535 (2002).

R. Tao, X. Xu, Y.C. Lan, and Y. Shiroyanagi, "Electric field induced formation of low temperature superconducting balls," Physica C, 377/ 3, 357-361 (2002).

Cao, Xiaowen, Wang, Zhihe, Xu, Xiaojun, “Magnetoresistance and a crossover from activated to diffusive dissipation in the mixed state for YBa2Cu3O7-δ epitaxial thin films,” Physical Review B 65(6), 064521-1—064521-4(2002).

R. Tao, X. Xu and E. Amr, “MgB2 Superconducting Particles in a Strong Electric Field,” Physica C 398, 78-84(2003).

R. Tao, X. Xu, and E. Amr, “High Temperature Superconducting Ball Formation in AC Fields of Low Frequency,” Physical Review B 68, 144505-1—144505-7 (2003).

R. Tao and X. Xu, “Viscosity reduction in liquid suspensions by electric or magnetic fields,” International J. of Modern Physics B, 19 (7-9): 1283-1289, APR 2005.

R. Tao, and X. Xu, “Reducing the Viscosity of  Crude Oil by Pulsed Electric or  Magnetic Field,  Energy Fuel, 20(5), pp2046-2051, (2006)

R. Tao, X. Xu, and Deepika Khilnaney-Chhabria, “Electrostatic Separation of  Superconducting Particles from a Mixture,” Appl. Phys. Lett.88, 082503(2006)