The success CST has achieved over the past decade has been extraordinary, from expanding our research enterprise to helping power Temple’s rise to R1 research status and opening the Science Education and Research Center to hiring outstanding researchers and enabling thousands of graduates to move into successful science and tech careers.
This year, we take another step forward as Migual Mostafá, CST’s new dean as of October 1, 2023, charts the course for the college. You can learn more about his impressive career in Outlook. I wish him the best of luck as he continues to push our college forward. After having served as CST dean and interim dean for more than 11 years, I have moved back to research and teaching full time. I will continue to run a vigorous collaborative research program as director of both the Institute for Computational Molecular Science and the Temple Materials Institute.
Leading our college was one of the great honors of my career. For me, CST graduation—seeing the joy and happiness on the faces of our graduating students and their families—never failed to lift my spirits.
I enjoyed working with so many talented students, who I see as our strongest hope for addressing the many challenges we face here on planet Earth. There are so many dedicated faculty and staff at CST, each making important contributions to teaching, research, advising, professional development, facilities and more. Thank you for your efforts.
I want to highlight one CST leader, Susan Jansen Varnum. As senior associate dean for undergraduate affairs, science education and community engagement, Sue and her team work tirelessly to attract, enroll, educate and graduate outstanding students. From analyzing enrollment data to creating a supportive learning environment, Sue has made CST a home for students who want to excel and make an impact on our world.
To CST’s Board of Visitors, Alumni Board and to all our graduates and partners around the world, thank you for making our college stronger. Your willingness to help guide the college, meet with students, volunteer for events and support us financially was inspiring. CST could not have achieved so much without your dedication and commitment.
Michael L. Klein, FRS
When you build financial support in higher education and encourage alumni to get involved in the life of a college, there is no greater asset than an engaged, enthusiastic dean. By that measure, Michael L. Klein, FRS, has been an extraordinary ambassador for the College of Science and Technology. His unwavering commitment to our college, our students and our graduates has shaped CST’s bright future.
Dr. Klein has championed faculty research, supported the Alumni Board and its Owl to Owl Mentor Program and built financial resources for scholarships, undergraduate research and many other areas. Thank you, Dr. Klein, for your service as dean. I know that we will continue to work together to move CST forward.
Throughout Outlook, you can see CST’s remarkable achievements. This year, two CST students are breaking down barriers in STEM as the first two Temple women to receive Goldwater scholarships in the same year. Chemistry’s Ross Wang earned a prestigious Young Chemical Biologist Award, an acknowledgment of his outstanding contributions to the field. In research, there is our shared NSF grant of $19.5 million for artificial intelligence research in education and a new research entity, the Temple Institute for Membranes and Interfaces.
Alumni philanthropy plays a vital role in our continued success. Your generous gifts support merit scholarships that attract talented students. Estate gifts, a vital tool in financial planning, help CST set a course for its own future. Grants and gifts from national foundations and corporations validate the impact of CST’s research. I look forward to sharing with our new dean, Miguel Mostafá, PhD, the impact of our college, our faculty, our students and our amazing graduates and donors.
Our future achievements are intricately tied to your continued support. Thank you for all you do for CST. Together, we can propel CST to even greater heights, making a lasting impact on science and technology and society at large.
Kathy McGady
Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs
In my remarks to the Class of 2023, I stressed that “you never know what the world will throw at you, but it’s refreshing to see the camaraderie amongst Temple alumni wherever you go.”
I encouraged the most recent graduates of the College of Science and Technology to explore the opportunities available to alumni. That same advice applies to all of us, regardless of the year—or the decade—we graduated. Tap into Temple alumni resources and benefits. You can find them at alumni.temple.edu. Sign up for the Owl Network at owlnetwork.temple.edu. Reach out and stay connected, whether it’s Homecoming, attending a college event or reviewing CST student resumes before one of the college’s job fairs. And when you’re ready, consider what you can do to change a CST student’s life and education.
The Alumni Board does this through its Endowed Alumni Scholarship Fund for talented students and the Owl to Owl Mentor Program. We are always looking for mentors who want to help guide a student on their academic and professional journey. You can have a tremendous impact in just a few meetings a year. Go to cst.temple.edu/OWL to learn more.
Whenever I see someone wearing a Temple shirt or fleece, I stop and say hello. I encourage you to do the same. Taking the time to make that extra connection can lead to so many amazing opportunities. Together, Owls can make a real difference in each other lives and the world around us.
Michael Remaker, CST ’06
CST Alumni Board President
Access all stories in Outlook magazine here.