Opportunities to share your research on campus.

Undergraduate Research Symposium

CST hosts an Undergraduate Research Symposium each fall.  The Symposium is designed to give CST undergraduate students the opportunity to present their work through 10-minute oral presentations and posters. The event highlights the research of the CST community and the important role of faculty mentors. The CST Symposium features undergraduate research from all CST disciplines.

Any CST undergraduate student who did research is welcome to participate in the symposium.

2025 Spring CST Undergraduate Leadership & Research Symposium

Thursday, March 27, 2025
SERC Lobby
9:30AM – 4:15PM

Presenter Registration and Abstract Submission Due March 16, 2025: https://forms.office.com/r/EaZ2bfgCZa

Click here to learn more about the symposium. For a list of presenters and research abstracts, click here.

Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creativity (formerly TURF-CREWS)

The Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creativity (formerly TURF-CreWS) provides ambitious, intellectually motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to present and defend their original research or creative work among colleagues, faculty, family, and friends. All faculty, staff, and students are invited. There will be thematic panel sessions of papers, performances, films, and posters on display.

More on how to present your research.

How to Create and Present Your Poster (PDF)