Engage in scientific study abroad.
The College of Science and Technology (CST) and Temple University offer a variety of opportunities to conduct research and engage in scientific study abroad. These international experiences offer students a chance to work with top scientists and gain new perspectives in their fields. Students can earn academic credit and stay on track to graduate on time.
Temple University Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses.
Take advantage of the opportunities offered through Temple University’s Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses office. Learn more about education abroad.
CST Biology in Rome.
Making study abroad possible for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) students for the first time, Temple Rome campus offers several biology courses as well as mathematics and other science offerings. Learn more about studying biology in Rome.
Siena Biomedical Research Program.
A limited number of opportunities are available for qualified CST students and qualified non-Temple students to participate in a special for-credit research program in Siena, Italy. Research is a collaboration between the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine and the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences at the University of Siena. Learn more about the Siena program.
University of Oviedo.
Part of Temple Abroad, the University of Oviedo in Spain offers courses, in English, in biology, chemistry, computer science and information technology. There are also courses in mathematics, geology and other science disciplines for students proficient in Spanish. Discover the Oviedo program.