Training the next generation of great science teachers.

TUteach is an alternative route to teacher training and certification. With TUteach, students take both STEM courses in the College of Science and Technology and courses in the College of Education and Human Development. Students have the opportunity to teach in elementary and middle-school environments in their first semester at Temple. Graduates are prepared to serve diverse learners across the Philadelphia region and the nation, and also gain professional, communications and management skills sought by many top employers outside of the education field.  

TUteach degrees closely parallel the bachelor’s degree in the specialty subject, such as mathematics or biology.  TUteach also includes select education courses especially designed to prepare science and mathematics majors to be outstanding teachers.

Emphasizing early practical teaching experience.

With TUteach, science and math majors get early and intensive pre-service teaching experience, the latest pedagogical tools and extensive mentoring and support as they become effective, certification-ready teachers whose passion for their subjects is passed on to students. CST students discover first hand if a career in STEM education is a good fit for them, and get a head start in developing teaching skills. 
TUteach also partners with the School District of Philadelphia and other local school districts to address the nation’s shortage of math and science teachers. Additionally, our many partnerships with community organizations aim to extend STEM learning opportunities outside the classroom, offering TUteach students many field work and internship options.

TUteach Majors

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