Our own Erik Cordes, chair of the biology department, is currently on board of the Research Vessel Falkor too searching new species in the South Sandwich Islands. The South Sandwich Islands, a remote volcanic archipelago, lies between the Southern and Atlantic Oceans. These islands showcase tectonic forces that form geologic features like hadal zone trenches, underwater volcanoes, and spreading centers. These features support high levels of endemism, harboring unique species. The science teams will also seek out deep-sea volcanoes and venture into the 8000-meter-deep South Sandwich Trench, the most geographically isolated and coldest trench on Earth.
Discover more about the mission here: https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/searching-for-new-species-in-the-south-sandwich-islands-2/
You can also check the live stream of the ROV dive here: https://www.youtube.com/@SchmidtOcean/streams