My first year as dean has been extraordinary. Every day, I see the remarkable dedication and enthusiasm of students, faculty and staff here at the College of Science and Technology.
From the advanced work of our six departments and 14 research centers and institutes to community initiatives like the George Washington Carver Science Fair to college programs that offer talented students real-world research experiences, CST’s impact reaches across the university, into local neighborhoods and around the world.
Our faculty and students are passionate about what they do. It’s a joy to share their successes through Outlook magazine, an expanded social media presence, college events and email newsletters. Following packed recruitment events, in fall 2024 we welcomed the largest group of first time freshmen in the past decade. In fact, our college accounted for more than twenty percent of total applications and of total deposits of the university during the most recent recruitment cycle.
In recent faculty hiring, CST welcomed a talented and diverse group of researchers. We were able to attract the top candidates in all three searches for tenured and tenure-track positions! In FY24 fundraising, CST reached a historical record of more than $6M to support scholarships, faculty and programs.
To steer the college toward future success, we expanded the roles of the associate deans to include areas such as postdoctoral affairs, faculty advancement, research innovation and technology commercialization. A refreshed Dean’s Advisory Committee, along with new members on our Board of Visitors, are shaping the future trajectory of CST as we navigate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
We set ambitious goals for our college, such as elevating our research profile by increasing resources for advanced investigation and exploration across departments. We will enhance ties with industry, government and academic institutions to expand opportunities for students and faculty. We aim to lead the charge in reimagining education for the 21st century by integrating innovative teaching methods, technologies and curricula that prepare students for success.
Another important priority is strengthening alumni engagement by creating more opportunities for CST graduates to participate in mentorship, networking and philanthropic efforts that are vital to our long-term success.
Thank you for your continued dedication to the success of CST students, faculty and community initiatives. Working together, we will continue the college’s mission to celebrate innovation and discovery at every level, build and embrace a diverse scientific community, seek to impact and improve our world, and inspire and empower the next generation of great scientists.
Professor Miguel A. Mostafá
Dean, College of Science and Technology
At the College of Science and Technology and across the university, 2024 has been an exciting year. John Fry was selected as Temple’s 15th president. A leader in higher education, he has impressive success in enhancing academic and research excellence, community and global engagement and fundraising and alumni relations.
Temple received a record-breaking number of applications for the fall 2024 semester, and deposits were up significantly over 2023. Here at CST, we are seeing similar growth in applications, deposits and registrations. In the spring, we attracted some of our largest crowds ever of prospective students and their parents for Experience Temple Days. Fall Open Houses were just as bustling.
Miguel Mostafá—who celebrated his first full year as CST dean in October 2024—brings so much enthusiasm to his leadership role, whether he’s answering a parent’s question at an enrollment event, working the barbecue at a retreat for CST’s academic advisors or meeting with a donor to learn more about what drives their generosity.
For the 2024 fiscal year, CST recorded one of its largest fundraising totals ever. This extraordinary support will enhance scholarships for talented students, strengthen our Research Scholars Program for undergraduates, positively impact each of our departments and much more.
Philanthropy is essential to the college’s continued success. Alumni donors support merit scholarships that attract talented students. Estate gifts help CST set a course for its future. Grants from local and national foundations and corporations help to amplify the impact of CST’s research.An essential part of our success is getting to know alumni, what connects them to the college and what inspires their philanthropy or volunteerism. No one has done this better than Lynne Corboy, our major gift officer. Lynne joined the college a little more than five years ago and is now going on to her life’s next adventure. Thank you, Lynne, for moving the development and alumni relations office forward and for your commitment to students and graduates.
To our alumni and other supporters, our achievements rely on your continued support. Thank you for all you do for the college. With research that makes a lasting impact on society and an academic program that propels students into amazing careers, CST’s best
days are ahead.
Kathy McGady
Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs
I’m an Owl to Owl mentor and I want you to be an Owl to Owl mentor, too.
Think about the impact a mentor—a boss, a professor, a colleague—has had on your life and career. Think about how their experience helped you set a goal or make a tough decision.
Think about the person you turn to for work advice. The person you lean on when you lean in. The person who sometimes understands you more than you understand yourself.
Think about it. Now that’s the impact a mentor can have on a young person’s life.
At CST, the Owl to Owl Mentor Program connects CST students with successful Temple alumni. Whether your career is in medicine, biotech, geology or data science, whether you are a teacher, entrepreneur or CEO, we will match you with a student with a similar major and career interests.
The time commitment is minimal, requiring just a few meetings over two semesters, but the impact you make on a student’s education and career can last a lifetime. Mentors help students think about what they want to achieve in life and map out strategies for achieving their dreams.
Being an Owl to Owl mentor is one of the most impactful ways for Temple alumni to give back to the university. For me, being a mentor is also so much fun. You can make a real difference in a student’s life and help us build a stronger alumni community that supports the College of Science and Technology.
Michael Remaker, CST ’06
CST Alumni Board President
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