CST Dean’s Faculty Fellows Program

The Dean’s Faculty Fellows program provides leadership development opportunities for faculty who desire to gain academic administrative experience in higher education leadership through work on a specific project. The program allows faculty to explore administrative leadership roles, engage in professional development, and prepare for advancement. The program seeks to deepen participants’ understandings of academic leadership and strengthen participants’ skills in key areas of academic administration.

As an important additional conduit for faculty insight and engagement, the Fellows make meaningful contributions to the college through original initiatives, undertaking planned projects, or assisting with existing college-wide academic initiatives. Projects fall into one or more of the following categories: faculty affairs and advancement, undergraduate affairs and science education, graduate and postdoctoral affairs, or research and innovation.

In addition to taking the lead on a particular project or initiative that advances the mission of CST, Fellows also have the opportunity to learn about more general administrative tasks and priorities associated with supporting academic leadership of the college.

Fellows are appointed for one year. Up to two Fellows are selected to participate each year. Fellows work with a mentor and participate in a set of leadership development activities related to academic administration and the operations of the Dean’s Office.

Selection of the Faculty Fellow will be made by the CST Dean and Associate Deans.


Required components and expectations


Important Program Details