CHEM 0877 - The Chemistry of Global Environmental Issues
CHEM 1031 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 1032 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 1953 - Honors General Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 1954 - Honors General Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 3103 - Techniques of Chemical Measurement I
CHEM 3105 - Introduction to Chemical Research Techniques
CHEM 3398 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
My research interests are in the areas of geochemistry and promoting undergraduate research experiences. Specifically, the research aims to understand the interactions of toxic oxyanions, like arsenite and chromate, with mineral surfaces. Using techniques like attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the goal is to understand how these redox active moieties transform on or near a surface, implicating their solubility in environmental waters. These systems can be simple, looking at adsorption on an iron oxide, or complex, working to understand photochemical reactions of iron oxides stored within protein cages. In all of these projects, undergraduates perform the majority of the research and are able to explore their interests while developing laboratory skills. Finally, I work to incorporate research methodology in the undergraduate laboratory courses I teach, hoping to give students a glimpse into the exciting world of research.
2016 Ph.D. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
2009 B.A La Salle University Philadelphia, PA
Selected Awards
Italia-Eire Foundation Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award, 2020.