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The Willets lab is interested in understanding how heterogeneity at the nanoscale impacts materials properties and functions, with applications in spectroscopy, molecular sensing, and electrochemistry.  Our primary focus is in the field of plasmonics, in which we study the interactions among ~10-100 nm noble metal nanostructures, organic molecules, and light.  We use a variety of spectroscopy and microscopy techniques, including super-resolution imaging, single molecule fluorescence, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), and dark field scattering, and complement these studies with structural characterization methods such as atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy.


2005-2007            Postdoctoral researcher, Northwestern University

2005                        Ph.D. Chemistry, Stanford University

1999                         B.A. Chemistry, Dartmouth College

Selected Awards

ACS Nano, Associated Editor.  Defense Science Study Group. Robert L. Smith Early Career Professor. Department of Energy Early Career Award.  Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award.