High-Energy Nuclear Collider Physics — Quantum Chromodynamics — Electro-Weak Physics — Development of Novel Particle Physics Detectors / EIC

Research Summary
Professor Bernd Surrow's research program focuses on the fundamental aspects of nuclear and particle physics, with a particular emphasis on the structure and dynamics of the proton, especially its mass and spin. By utilizing Standard Model processes, including Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) for strong interactions, he explores these phenomena through hadron and jet production, electroweak processes involving W/Z boson production, and deep-inelastic scattering.
His studies span multiple high-energy collider experiments worldwide, including electron-positron collisions at LEP at CERN (Switzerland), polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC at BNL (USA), and electron-proton/nucleus collisions at HERA at DESY (Germany). He also contributes to the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Facility at BNL (USA).
A critical aspect of his research involves analyzing the momentum and spin distributions of quarks and gluons inside protons. Professor Surrow also leads the development of particle physics detectors, focusing on advanced micro-pattern gas detectors and RICH detectors. His past work also includes designing and applying calorimeters and silicon detectors.
Additionally, he contributes to the phenomenology of deep-inelastic scattering and low-x physics, employing theoretical models like the Color-Dipole model. He has collaborated with numerous theorists, emphasizing the essential synergy between experimental and theoretical progress in advancing our understanding of the proton's structure and dynamics.


  • Master of Science (MS), Business Analytics (BA), Temple University, Fox School of Business, 2023
  • Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Finance, Temple University, Fox School of Business, 2022

  • Ph.D. Degree in Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 1998

  • Diploma in Physics, Department of Science and Research of the State of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 1995

  • Masters Degree in Physics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 1993

  • Vordiplom in Physics (Bachelor's degree in Physics), University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 1991

Selected Publications

  • J. Adam et al. [STAR], Phys. Rev. D 103, 012001 (2021).

  • J. Adam et al. [STAR], Phys. Rev. D 99, 051102 (2019).

  • M.S. Abdallah et al. [STAR], Phys. Rev. D 105, 092011 (2022).

  • M.S. Abdallah et al. [STAR], Phys. Rev. D 103, L091103 (2021).

  • R. Khalek et al. [EIC Users Group], Nucl. Phys. A 1026, 122447 (2022).

  • J. Adam et al. [ATHENA Collaboration], JINST 17, P10019 (2022) 10. 

  • I. Abt et al. [ZEUS], JHEP 5, 201 (2019). 


  • Laura H. Carnell Distinguished Professorship, 2024
  • Fox School of Business at Temple University Distinguished Scholar Award (Master of Science (MS), Business Analytics), 2023
  • Fox School of Business at Temple University Distinguished Scholar Award (Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Finance), 2022
  • APS Fellow, 2019
  • William Caldwell Memorial Distinguished Teaching Award at Temple University, 2016
  • Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship, 2002 - 2003
  • CERN Fellowship, 1998 - 2000
  • 1998 DESY Laboratory Ph.D. Thesis Prize, 1998
  • 1998 University of Hamburg Ph.D. Thesis Prize, 1998
  • DESY Ph.D. Scholarship, 1994 - 1997
  • USA Scholarship by `Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.’, 1992 - 1993
  • Scholarship Award by `Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.’, 1990 - 1994
  • Valedictorian and Natural Science Award, Technisches Gymnasium Backnang, Backnang, Germany, 1988

Recent CV - LINK

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