1st Place
Samantha Shallop
Junior, Neuroscience; Biology
Faculty Member: Seonhee Kim
Project: Interaction Between mTOR Signaling and Polarity Complex Protein, Pals1, in Cerebral Cortex Development
2nd Place
Sophia Adler
Junior, Biochemistry
Faculty Member: Sarah Wengryniuk
Project: Novel Approach for the Selective Oxidation of Secondary Over Primary Alcohols
3rd Place
Brooke Quinn
Junior, Biology
Faculty Member: Tonia Hsieh
Project: Can learning facilitate perturbation recovery following limb loss in tarantulas?
Honorable Mention
Victorya Richardson
Junior, Applied Mathematics
Faculty Member: Rob Kulathinal
Project: Functional adaptive landscape across Great Apes genomes
Honorable Mention
Kaitlin Kennedy
Senior, Biology
Faculty Member: Uma Sajjan
Project: Innate Immune Responses to Rhinovirus is Altered in Macrophages Obtained from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Honorable Mention
Terrell Nowlin
Senior, Mathematics and Computer
Faculty Member: Richard Souvenir
Project: Predicting Prostate Cancer Recurrence using Machine Learning