The College of Science and Technology and Temple Materials Institute are pleased to host the 2020 Sheikh Saud Lecture on Advanced Materials featuring Dr. Daan Frenkel. His research interests focus on numerical simulations of many-body systems, with a special emphasis on problems relating to ordering and self-assembly in soft matter.
Computer simulations in the '50s and '60s played a key role in the development of simple liquids theory. Starting in the '80s, colloidal suspensions of hard, spherical particles became the prime example of "simple liquids" where theory, simulation and experiment could meet.
Today, there is a good understanding of the equilibrium properties of colloidal suspensions. When we consider colloid systems out of equilibrium, however, scientific understanding is far from complete. Dr. Frenkel will discuss simulations that suggest that it should be possible to observe colloidal particles that behave as magnetic monopoles.
Dr. Frenkel was head of the Cambridge Chemistry Department from 2011 to 2015. He is a member of the Royal Society (London), U. S. National Academy of Sciences and World Academy of Sciences. He received numerous international prizes including the IUPAP Boltzmann Medal and APS Aneesur Rahman Prize. He has published some 500 papers and two books.
Friday, February 28
4:00 p.m., with reception following
Science Education and Research Center, Room 110A
Temple University Main Campus
1925 North 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122