What we offer.

Recruitment events.

A variety of events are available for College of Science and Technology (CST) students and alumni including fall and spring job fairs, employer networking events, professional development workshops and employer visits. Information regarding specific events is shared through our weekly CST Opportunities newsletter, Student Professional Development Canvas site, and can typically be found in Handshake. Click here to learn more about events.

Services and resources.

Connecting a major to a career can be a challenging process for many undergraduate students. Once you become part of the Temple family you can schedule an appointment with us to explore the different career opportunities that a CST degree can provide. Check out the information listed below to help you start the process.

Virtual resume review.

We recommend that every student have their resume reviewed at least once before they graduate. Students can upload a PDF version of their resume and receive feedback directly through their Handshake profile.

1-on-1 career coaching and interview practice.

You can meet with a CST career coach to discuss a variety of career development topics including resume and cover letter development, internship searching, research opportunities, and we can also help you prepare and provide feedback on your interview skills through a virtual mock interview.

Professional development workshops.

30-minute fast fact programs for students to learn how to build a resume, apply to research/internships, and prepare for interviews. All students who bring their resume receive resume reviews within 24 hours.

Additional Resources.

CST Opportunities email.

Each week, CST students and alumni receive an email which informs them about available internships/jobs, upcoming professional development workshops, employer visits, and campus and local events.

CST Professional Development Canvas site.

The college has a full suite of detailed CST specific resources on one convenient platform to help students prepare for research and career opportunities. You will find resources to help with building your resume, preparing for interviews, finding research opportunities, exploring careers, scheduling appointments with our staff and much more.


Handshake is the University Career Center’s innovative recruitment and career management platform for Temple University students and alumni, and serves as Temple’s go-to resource for jobs, internships, events and more Handshake help you more easily connect with employers, apply to internships and jobs, find and RSVP to events, and participate in on-campus interviews and recruiting opportunities.