Temple offers affordability and world-class education
At the College of Science and Technology (CST), we believe all students deserve access to an exceptional education. At Temple University, students get the reasonable costs of a public university and all the advantages of a world-class research institution. About 79% of first-year Temple students receive need-based financial aid. And all students are automatically considered for academic scholarships. CST also offers scholarship and awards.
Financial aid options for qualified applicants.
In addition to our reasonable tuition rates, we offer a number of financial-aid and assistance options for eligible students. These include scholarships, grants, loans and work-study programs. We also offer other types of aid, like employer tuition remission and veterans’ benefits. Our goal is to make it financially possible for every qualified applicant to enroll at Temple and pursue their dreams. Therefore, we encourage you to explore all of the opportunities available and apply early for financial aid.
Limit your debt with Fly in 4.
The Fly in 4 partnership allows you to complete your degree on time or Temple will pay for your remaining course work. And graduating on time means your path to success starts sooner.
For its part, Temple provides you with the resources you need to graduate in four years, like academic advising and classes offered when you need them. You commit to doing what it takes to blaze your career path in four years. But the best part? There’s no penalty if you opt out of the agreement or take longer than four years to graduate.