Chair's Message:
Since last spring's update, the Department of Biology has welcomed 17 new PhD students into biology and has added a new interdisciplinary PhD program in bioinformatics. Our Professional Science Master's programs (biotechnology, bioinformatics, bioinnovation) continue to attract new students and place them in jobs upon graduation: 96% of graduates are employed in pharma, industry or academic positions or enrolled in graduate or professional school. The biology and neuroscience undergraduate programs remain robust with an increasing number of students taking part in research projects in the Bio-Life Building and beyond. We plan to introduce a new undergraduate major in genomic medicine in fall 2020.
Biology faculty have been active in research around the world with projects in Central America, Haiti, Antarctica, and the marine waters of the U.S. and Costa Rica. Research funding further reflects the breadth of our faculty, with grants on topics as wide ranging as invasive species, brain/neuron function, super- resolution microscopy, human health, development, locomotion and population dynamics.
I thank our students, faculty and staff who come together to ensure a continuing upward trajectory in our reputation locally, nationally and internationally. I also want to recognize our alumni and friends who have contributed to the growth and success of the department.
Robert Sanders
Professor and Chair