The research interests of the members of the Analysis Group focus on partial differential equations (PDEs), harmonic analysis, and various closely related fields. Their work spans a broad array of topics, including global analysis, which investigates the behavior of differential equations on large scales or complex geometric structures, and fluid mechanics, where they study the mathematical principles governing fluid flow, often modeled by nonlinear PDEs. Another major focus is optimal transport theory, a field concerned with finding the most efficient ways to move and redistribute resources, which connects deeply to topics in PDEs, geometry, and probability theory. This theory has found applications in economics, logistics, image processing, and more, offering powerful tools to solve problems of optimization and resource allocation. The group's research also extends into the calculus of variations, where it studies the optimization of functionals, often arising in physics, geometry, and economics and leading to equations that describe minimal surfaces, optimal shapes, and energy minimization problems. Together, these varied research directions highlight the group's comprehensive approach to advancing theoretical and applied mathematics in key areas of modern analysis.

The Analysis Group includes:

Analysis Seminar, one of the regular seminars in the department, usually meets on Mondays 2:30-3:30pm in Wachman 617. The current contact for the Analysis Seminar is Mihaela Ignatova.

Several graduate students have completed Ph.D.s under the direction of members of the Analysis Group. Interested graduate students are encouraged to take advanced topics courses in these and related areas and to attend the analysis seminar. General information about graduate study in mathematics at Temple University can be found on the graduate program website.

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