LaTeX is a programming language widely used in science and engineering to produce professionally typeset journals, theses, and books.
To get started, you will need to download and install a TeX editor (or use a cloud editor like Overleaf) and build/ include a master file containing the formatting of the preamble, table of contents, references, chapters, sections, figures, and bibliography. A sample master file is tuthesis.tex. Applying LaTeX to tuthesis.tex yields tuthesis.pdf (click to view).
You can either download all the files below or equivalently the single zip file
- tuthesis.tex (master file)
- tuthesis.pdf (master file, TeXed)
- Chapter1-intro.tex (first chapter)
- Chapter2-topodecomp.tex (second chapter)
- figures.tex (example of figures)
- Alternating links, Checkerboards, Crossing arcs (figures used in sample)
- tables.tex (examples of tables)
- main.bib (bibiliography file)
- tuthesis.cls (TU thesis style)
- uct10.clo (subsidiary package)
- uct11.clo (subsidiary package)
- uct12.clo (subsidiary package)