Program Overview

The Department offers Ph.D. and M.S. degree programs in Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, and Theoretical Chemistry.  

Professional Science Masters in BioinformaticsBioinnovationBiotechnologyScientific Writing, and Forensic Chemistry are also available. 

​​For more information please see the graduate handbook or the bulletin.


Ph.D. program requirements

6 Courses (year 1 and 2) 

  • 3 core division classes
  • 3 additional classes (either in or out of department)

Requisites for candidacy

  • Cumulative Exams – 5 passes before the end of year 2 (14 attempts)
  • Literature Seminar – 30 minute talk on a research topic (year 2)
  • Original Research Proposal – 45 minute presentation (year 3)


  • Join your research group in December of first year
  • Thesis typically based on peer-reviewed publications
  • Thesis defense after completion of all above requirements


  • Teaching Assistantship: 1-3 years
  • Research Assistantship: 2-4 years

Average time to completion – 5.4 years


M.S. with thesis option


  • 6 Courses (3 credits each) 
  • One literature seminar (CHEM 9990, 2 credits)
  • Independent Research (CHEM 9996, 6 credits)
  • An additional 4 credits of coursework and/or research (CHEM 9996)


  • Thesis typically based on a peer-reviewed publication
  • Thesis defense following completion of all above requirements

Average time to completion ​- 2 years


M.S. with coursework only

​10 Courses (3 credits each) 

A final masters examination based upon individual course of study.