Bruker AV-III 500. Fully multinuclear, with both broadband observe, and 1H/15N/13C inverse probes. Includes Z-axis gradients for both probes, and variable temperature NMR is supported.
Bruker AVIIIHD 500. Fully multinuclear, including 19F. This instrument features a SampleCase robot for sample management under IconNMR and is variable temperature capable.
Bruker Avance 400. Routine proton and 13C measurements under automation. 19F is available.
Anazazi EFT-60. Teaching lab experiments.
Bruker EMX X-Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer. Oxford ESR900 Cryostat for 4K operation, Dual mode cavity for perpendicular and parallel mode data acquisition
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Access and Training
All users must be trained before access to instrumentation is granted. Send a request to Dr. Moscato for an appointment.