The Biology Department has an outstanding faculty consisting of ~30 Presidential faculty who are tenured or are tenure track. Their research interests span the breadth of biology from investigating plant reproduction to discovering how zebrafish repair their heart and how oil spills and increased ocean temperatures damage coral populations. We have a strong computational group of faculty seeking to understand how evolution impacts gene sequences, gene content in genomes, and their link to disease.

The Department of Biology at Temple University is home to a diverse body of over 1500 undergraduates, runs multiple graduate programs including Ph.D. programs in Biology and Bioinformatics, and conducts cutting-edge research in Evolutionary Genomics, Ecology and Biodiversity, and Cell and Molecular Biology. We recently introduced new undergraduate majors in Genomic Medicine as well as Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity; and revised our core curriculum in Biology to address the needs of the next generation of scientists.