Chemistry and biochemistry majors are strongly encouraged to get involved in research during their time at Temple. Our faculty perform research in all fields of chemistry, and getting into the lab is a great way for undergraduates to learn about cutting-edge science and gain hands-on experience in a laboratory environment. Below are several links to help undergraduates get started with the research process at Temple. We also encourage students to reach out to our faculty directly about potential research opportunities. Visit the faculty page to learn more about the research interests of the professors in the department.

Dr. Robert Levis
Undergraduate Research Advisor
Office: 244 Beury Hall Phone: 1-215-204-5241
Click to emailUndergraduate research courses
Credits for independent research with a faculty member are available through the Chemistry Department's research courses: CHEM 2891, CHEM 3881, CHEM 3891, CHEM 4881, or CHEM 4891. These courses can count towards one of the advanced laboratory requirements for the major in chemistry. Two semesters of undergraduate research, for a total of at least 6 credits, may count towards one of the advanced biochemistry electives for the major in biochemistry. For more questions contact the Undergraduate Research Advisor.
To register for credit for independent research:
Complete part 1 of the Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Declaration form and ask your lab PI to complete part 2. Then e-mail or bring the signed form and the research proposal (see part 1 of the form for instructions) to the Undergraduate Research Advisor by the second Wednesday of the semester (this is required for all students seeking course credit for research, independent of any applications to specific programs such as RSP, Science Scholars, MARC, etc). Electronic signatures are accepted.